Financial Donations

Hope Rising provides compassionate and professional care to our clients without charge. This is possible through voluntary donations of time, materials, and money from individuals, churches, organizations, and businesses.

Your Generosity Saves Lives

We’re grateful for your support of our work. Your generosity allows us to offer life-giving services and resources to women in our community who feel abortion is their only option.

Did you know 85% of women who’ve had abortions say they would have chosen life if they’d had just one person to stand by them and offer support?

Most women lack the relational and financial support to make parenting feel like an option for them, so they choose abortion out of fear or pressure from others. If one person is willing to stand with them as they navigate their unplanned pregnancy and beyond, they are more likely to choose life.

When you donate financially on a monthly or yearly basis, you allow us to provide that support so she never feels alone and knows she has the resources to continue the pregnancy.


The Platinum Seal of Transparency is the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. By sharing metrics that highlight the progress we are making toward our mission, we’re helping you, our donors, directly see the impact your donations are making to move our organization forward. 

By updating our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile to earn a Platinum Seal, we can now easily share a wealth of up-to-date organizational metrics with you, as well as GuideStar’s immense online audience, which includes donors, grantmakers, our peers, and the media.

To reach the Platinum level, we’ve added extensive information to our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile: basic contact and organizational information; in-depth financial information; qualitative information about goals, strategies, and capabilities; and quantitative information about results and progress toward our mission of changing the way the world defines and views disability.  By taking the time to provide this information, we have demonstrated our commitment to transparency and giving donors and funders meaningful data to evaluate our performance. 

The metrics we are reporting are a direct result of the generous funds donated to us.  Our donors are absolute HEROES to our clients — who otherwise wouldn’t be able to receive these life-saving services on their own.  

Your support makes these services possible!

Your donations to Hope Rising allow us to provide the following services free of charge:

  • Pregnancy testing
  • Limited ultrasounds
  • Options counseling
  • Abortion recovery ministry
  • Teen programs
  • Parenting programs
  • And much more!

Help Us Save Lives Today

If you are not already part of the work we’re doing, we invite you to join today. Your support, encouragement, prayers, and financial gifts help sustain our ministries to abortion-minded moms and dads in the Miami Valley.

You Can Also Support Us Through Your Daily Purchases

By purchasing your regular items through one of the following companies, Hope Rising receives a small part of your purchase as a donation. Make shopping easy and give back!

Note: Amazon (see article) and Kroger (see article) have instituted abortion-funding policies for their employees. We do not endorse doing business with companies who support abortion. But we nonjudgmentally acknowledge that it may be impractical to fully eliminate doing business with these companies. In those instances, we might as well extract some of their profits into the pro-life realm.

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in to your Kroger account or create a new one. (If you don’t have a Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card, you can get one at the Customer Service desk of your local Kroger.)
  3. Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards under your account settings. Our organization number is #SC115.
  4. Kroger will donate a percentage of your purchases to the Hope Rising.
  1. Apply online at 
    or a DLM store.
  2. Hope Rising #:164
  3. The Hope Rising receives a portion of your eligible purchases!
  4. Renew each January.

Use GoodSearch for your web searches to support the Hope Rising. Sign up at

Request Choose life plates when registering your vehicle or renewing your plates. Or go to OPLATES.COM and follow the instructions to order.

Employer Matching Gifts

Please visit this Charity Navigator Matching Gift Page to see if your company will match your gift. Enter your company name in the search box. From there, select your employer. The link will let you access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you’ll need to submit for your employer to match your gift.

Companies with known gift-matching programs:

Ball Corporation
JP Morgan Chase
Kraft Food
LexisNexis (“Cares program”)
Messer Construction
New York Life Insurance
Schneider Electric
Teradata Cares
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Total Quality Logistics
United Technologies

Learn About E-Friend for Life

E-Friend for Life is a financial stewardship program that allows supporters to be ongoing ministry partners. Your consistent financial support allows Hope Rising to focus on caring for the needs of our clients and reaching them for Christ.

Learn How to Leave an Endowment

Hope Rising’s Legacy for Life Endowment Fund is a fund established to be used sovereignly by God to generate a permanent income source that will – over the long term – directly benefit and maintain the ministry. Your gift assures continued growth of God’s ministry and is a gift to future generations.