Protecting the Unborn and Proclaiming the Gospel

2023 Statistics – All Locations

Clients served: 1,507

Client appointments: 4,639

Pregnancy tests: 740

Ultrasounds: 679

Chose life: 542
       (out of 580 positive pregnancy tests)

Spiritual discussions: 2,349

Gospel presentations: 738

Salvation decisions: 57

Participated in a parenting program: 226

Diapers given away: 52,664

Outfits given away: 10,633

Students reached: (Rethink department) 3,136

Client advocate volunteers who served:  56

Medical sonographer volunteers: 2

Total volunteers who served: 245

Total volunteer hours: 7,786.25

Total clients served: 3,127

Pregnancy tests: 761

Ultrasounds: 673

Chose life: 527

(out of 580 positive pregnancy tests)

Salvation decisions:  15

Client advocate volunteers who served:  72

Participated in a parenting program: 161

Received clothing or other material resources: 524

Packs of diapers given: 1,115

Outfits given: 6,652

Received one-on-one abstinence counseling: 71

Received abortion recovery support: 199

Thank you for partnering with us to save lives now and for eternity!

Life-Affirming Programs & Services

Pregnancy Services

Our team of medical professionals and trained volunteers provides compassionate support to women facing unplanned pregnancies. Pregnancy testing and ultrasounds are performed at no cost. 9 out of 10 clients who see their babies via ultrasound choose life!

Support Programs

Women often choose abortion because they don't have a support system telling them they have other options. Our free programs provide practical resources as well as physical, emotional, and spiritual support to empower women and men to choose life.

Student Outreach

We provide abstinence education to students throughout the Miami Valley, reaching students with relevant resources that show abstinence is a powerful, positive, and possible choice. Our programs keep students engaged and interested in the content which maximizes the amount they will retain.

4 Locations Throughout the Miami Valley

Client Testimonials

"The ladies at the center backed me up and encouraged me – it was an amazing feeling! I’m thankful I decided to keep my baby girl!"


"God used the DADs program to help me have faith about my financial future and peace when I was troubled about how to raise my son."


"The Hope Rising prison ministry brought me hope and purpose, and the grief and loss study helped me heal from my abortion."

