Material Donations
We’re dedicated to supporting our clients in their parenting journey, long after they’ve chosen life. We provide clients with diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, bath essentials, children’s clothing, and maternity clothing through our Client Services program and all of these things plus baby care equipment through our Parenting classes. Through your generous donations, we’re able to provide these items at no cost to our clients.
Children’s Clothing
We accept new or gently-used clothing in sizes preemie through 5T. The most commonly asked for sizes are 2T-5T. We also accept shoes, socks, coats, and winter gear.
Diapers, Wipes, Formula, Baby Food, and Bath Essentials
When our clients need it most, through donors like you, we are able to provide them with these basic needs for their babies. The preferred brands of formula are Similac® and Gerber®. We accept diapers, wipes, pull-ups, and swim diapers. We have a high demand for baby shampoo and lotion.

Maternity Clothing
We are looking for current styles in maternity clothing, especially larger sizes. We’d love to be able to give our expecting clients some in-style fashions as their bodies and bellies grow. New or gently-used maternity clothing is accepted.
Baby Care Items and Equipment
We accept the following new or gently-used items: cribs, crib mattresses, swings, high chairs, nursing supplies, wash cloths, hooded towels, baby toiletries, pacifiers, diapers, wipes, diaper bags, bibs, thermometers, car seats, strollers, pack-n-plays, and baby monitors.
If you have a used equipment donation, please make sure it is clean, in good working condition, and no more than 10 years old. Full a full list of things we do not accept, please call us.
Wish List
Current needs are listed on our Wish List. Donations made here will be placed in a designated fund which will be used to purchase these and any other emergent baby items in a timely manner as needed.